“With Marcil-O’Farrell you have a two-for-one winning combination.”
– Patricia Falvey
author of The Girls of Ennismore
Anne Marie O’Farrell only represents practical and narrative non-fiction in the areas of business, self-help, health and fitness, spirituality, cooking, gift books, travel, sports and quirky books. We do not represent fiction, memoirs or screenplays. Your query should contain a succinct and exciting explanation of the book concept, information on why you are the right person to write this book, and your ability to market and publicize the book. Authors seeking representation must have extensive traditional and social media platforms, seminar and/or speaking event schedules. Send a query letter of 200 words maximum in the body of the email to: annemarie@marcilofarrellagency.com
Please tell us how you discovered our agency. If you’ve found our website or listing in various publishing guides or on the Internet, met us at a writer’s conference, or have been referred by a specific colleague or friend, please feel free to include that in the beginning of your letter.
You will only receive a reply from us if we wish to request your proposal or manuscript. We may request certain sections of a standard nonfiction book proposal or a proposal in its entirety. The proposal should include an overview of the book concept, your biography, a marketing section, a comparable books section, chapter summaries and a sample chapter. We DO NOT represent memoirs or screenplays.